Central Texas College Hits Biosig-ID Milestone With 50,000 Students

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March 1, 2016 — Dallas, TX — Central Texas College in Killeen, Texas has hit a milestone with over 50,000 of its students now logging in securely using Biometric Signature ID’s biometric identification software BioSig-ID.  The Texas community college system has a number of branch campuses throughout the world.

The security software authenticates students prior to logging in to the school’s learning management system (LMS) to increase academic integrity and detect and prevent loan fraud.  Students login with a hand-drawn password that cannot be duplicated by anyone else.

Since the 2014 Office of Inspector General (OIG) report on distance learning challenges that recommended the elimination of insecure PIN and password identification, BioSig-ID has emerged as a premier solution to the new regulations.

Schools are expected to comply with the new security protocols prior to their next accreditation.  Central Texas College has been at the forefront of the movement to tighten identification in online learning and an early adopter of BioSig-ID.

Because of its far flung student population, the college needed a way to ensure their students were who they said they were. It wanted to eliminate the possibility of login credentials being shared for cheating. CTC also wanted to avoid the rising loan fraud which drove the OIG mandate. This fraud is characterized by fake students dropping classes before the Census Date, allowing fraudsters to pocket loan monies with little chance of recovery by schools.

CTC chose BioSig-ID’s highly accurate biometric identification and multi-factor authentication to better protect against these threats.

The rollout to 50,000 students includes monitoring capability with the software’s forensic suite that gives CTC early warnings to potential fraud and dishonesty with Real Time Event Notifications and Suspicious Activity Reports.  With its diverse geographic student population and ISPs throughout the world, Central Texas College now ensures valid ID within its LMS with an automated solution that makes no demands on its I.T. staff or faculty.
